The Outer Space Kid
Hi! Cool that you found my blog and got curious about who I am. So let’s break the ice! Here’s some information about me: My name is Caro, I am 21 years old and I live in Bremen where I also study. I started my blog „Outer Space Style“ in April 2016.

I love fashion, especially outrageous and unusual pieces. It has always been like that.
I have always collected clothes I love. When I say ‚collected‘ I am not kidding, you guys. I am 1,54m tall (that’s about 5 feet 1 inch) wich means that I stopped growing in fifth grade, so that I still fit in all my old beloved clothes. That’s why I own a lot, basically. In contrast to a few years ago, I was pairing anything that I liked, no matter if it looked good or not. Wearing colorful striped socks in combination with brown corduroy pants and over that a jeans skirt was my thing back then.
In my sparetime I like watching movies, series and playing videogames with an amazing storyline. Also, I always loved drawing. When I was a child, I made up stories about a housefly, that I drew many books about. I called her „Freundin Fliege Ilina“ (my fly friend Ilina). Yeah, my fantasy was kind of crazy back then, but it is still crazy today. Anyway I hope I didn’t freak you out or something like that.
About my Blog
I have always been fascinated by aliens, outerspace, science fiction, horror and all that good stuff. So I guess it’s no big surprise that I want to express my ‚outer space love‘ through fashion, right? Bright colors, outstanding patterns and crazy motifs – that’s what I like. That’s why I would describe my style as a mixture of alternative and kawaii.

On my blog, you will mainly find personal articles where I focus on youthful, alternative and fancy fashion that shows who I am. I am looking forward to share my ideas, inspiration and thoughts with you.
Anyone who wants to join me is always welcome to my page, of course!
If you have any further questions, you can send them to me by e-mail:
Otherwise, feel free to look around a little bit.
Have fun browsing my Outer Space Style world!